Some Special Freight Cars on My B&O Old Main Line. Thank You Bill Welch.

In the early 2000’s listserves started to take off and I met Bill Welch on a modeling group. I was busy with a young child and was trying to fit in some modeling time. He was retired, a great friend, and supporter. And with Bill’s support and the tremendous help of Al Buchan, I started the B&O Modeler learning from him as he led the way for everyone with the Keystone Modeler.

Bill and I traded information often and I was always trying to support his passion for all things FGEX. While I learned more about the B&O from many folks and especially those guys led by Nick Fry toiling away in an old garage that was the B&O RR HS Archives. Bill always shared his knowledge freely, something that wasn’t typical at the time.

Bill and I had many conversations and at some point I realized he was a retired pastor. Well I don’t think pastors ever retire, they just slow down a little. I count him as a close friend, though we never met in person. We stayed in contact through his last days and I hope I became a better person because of it. Bill was always a good friend, kind, supportive, and helping me see things were possible when I wasn’t sure.

Maybe it was six months ago, one of Bill’s modeling friends was helping settle his estate and a box arrived with three Bill Welch original boxcars.

I was dumbfounded by the opportunity to put some Bill Welsh models on my layout and learn about a charitable cause close to his heart. Every time I look at them I think of Bill and how I can do more to help others. And I don’t mean modeling or trains, but how to be a better me and have more grace.

Bill was a person of grace to me. Not much more I can say.

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